Have you ever thought that you'd liked to have met Jesus when He was here on earth? That you'd love to have been able to sit under His teaching and learn from Him?
I have.
I've also thought that if I could have just met Him in person or listened to Him speak, then I'd be a more faithful Christian. That I'd be more likely to learn. That my life would be changed in a new way.
And no doubt it would.
But recently I think I've begun to see that there should have been more to that thought. When God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth, we were able to see a glimpse of the Father. Yet, Christ had taken on the form of a man and therefore He was limited by time and space. He could only be in one place at once and those that wanted to be taught by Him had to see Him visibly by being in His physical presence. While it was a part of God's Plan for Christ to come to the earth and for all the world to have the opportunity to accept the salvation His death offered, even Christ knew that there was more the people needed to know after salvation if they wanted to really learn, grow and become a more faithful follower. "I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot hear them now." When did He say it to them? Read the rest of the New Testament! ;)
The disciples were rightfully saddened when Jesus talked about leaving them, but He reminded them "It is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart I will send Him unto you. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into ALL truth..."
The Holy Spirit is able to be with everyone, everywhere, at all times. Doesn't that make Him a pretty qualified Teacher? I guess I just suddenly realized anew that I have the power right now to live the way I should, just as much as I would if I was sitting directly under Christ in a classroom today. The Holy Sprit enables me to read the scriptures correctly, to make the right choices, to win battles and to have the peace and joy I long for. Do you think He's important? ;) If not, why do you think the disciples were told, after Christ left earth, to wait for the Sprit before going out and witnessing?
Christ and the Holy Spirit are equal, for they are one. You cannot study/get to know one without learning/seeing the other. Christ said of the Holy Spirit, "He shall glorify Me; for He shall receive of Mine, and shall show it to you."
So thankful for Christ's life on earth, for the Word which tells me about it and the Holy Spirit who helps me understand it.
(All verses are from John 16)