Over Christmas break I was able to spend some time with some of my favorite people doing some of my favorite things. I told you a little about that in an earlier post, and below are some snapshots of those memories.
(No one like them, wouldn't trade them, and wish I could see them more.) ---pic is from caroling at the Curtis'; a sweet, older couple who've invested in our lives.
(precious niece)
(Best Boyfriend a girl could ask for ;)
Jen and Katie
(Two very dear friends)
(Another couple who has been a big blessing to me. I was glad it worked for Mike and I to visit with them for a little while.)
(Trying very hard not to break out into song here ;)
Christmas Tree
(Our tree was very beautiful this year which surprised me, since I was not even there to join in on the usual differing opinions when picking out a tree. =)
"The Sound of Music" at the Fulton Opera House
(Mike took me to see it for my birthday)