Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rachels Graduation

The Class of 2010!
Lots of changes coming for them! Its only been a year since I graduated and already it feels like it's been ages. So many different experiences! So many different scary and new things, but one thing I know for sure...God remains constant. "I trusted in thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my God. My times are in thy hand." (Psalms 31:14-15a)

Jordan, doing his job as a greeter

My cousin Anna. She (and her parents) surprised Rachel by coming. It was good to see her and I'm looking forward to going up to New York in a few weeks to see her graduate as well.


Graduates Song
The girls with Mrs. Kilmer, who agreed to be our fill-in Grandma for the day. She's a dear friend of the family and as a kid, going to their house was always a treat.

Mom, Aunt Teena and Uncle Bill at the party afterwards

I'm learning that Volleyball is actually a tolerable sport.

Our faces tell the story... It was a very sad day for both Rachel and I.

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