Friday, December 17, 2010

A Night in the Airport

I'm sitting in the next airport, waiting for 5:30 a.m. to slowly roll around. Since the last post I've..

1. Had the opportunity to witness to the guy sitting next to me on the plane. (We talked for almost the entire flight) Perhaps this was the reason my original flight was cancelled. Pray for Tanner.

2. Eaten half a sandwich, a few chips and contemplated eating my orange --- the last of the food that the other college girls left with me.

3. Texted Anna from school, heard they were so lost, that they were on some dirt road somewhere in Nebraska and that James was trying to google house numbers. They are trying to get to Kansas and I couldn't help but laugh.

4. Called my roommate Bethany and told her I'm going insane.

5. Listened to the Christmas Cantata our church is doing on Sunday-- that I haven't practiced for but am supposed to be participating in.

6. Tried to sleep with my suitcase under my legs and my duffel bag under my head--- didn't exactly work and thus I resorted to this post.

7. Been very aware every time any person comes close to within 5 feet of me. I never knew I could get so paranoid about someone trying to steal my stuff. ;)

8. Asked the Lord to give me rest.

9. Cried --- and then laughed at myself for crying.

10. Tried to talk myself out of the pity party I'm having for myself.

11. Re-read some of the last post and was reminded again that God is in control.---I might have to read that a bunch of times tonight =) but it's a good truth to be reminded of. Anyways, sooner or later I'll get home and then this whole mess will just become one of those memories where you say "Remember the time..."


Nicole said...

Aw Chrystal, I am so sorry you had to spend the night in the airport. :( I will be praying that the Lord will use your conversation with that man. I hope you have made it home by now!!

Chrystal said...

Yes, I made it home around 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. I was glad to finally get home and I slept well that night. =)

Thanks for praying about Tanner. Sometimes I wish I knew how much of an impact those random conversations really have on a life. Ya know? Maybe one day we will...