Saturday, February 26, 2011

Memorable Quotes heard at CBI

"I once caught a fish as large as a car...door...handle." - Al Franklin

"Fan the flame, shun the shame, hold the same" - Al Franklin (emphasizing a theme from the Pastoral Epistles.)

"Write your plans in pencil" - Mrs. Kunnari

"There is no purpose in living, if there is no point in dying" - Said by someone I can't remember. =)

"I thought about doing a message on Naaman. It deals with seven ducks in a muddy river, but then I realized it wasn't all it was quacked up to be." - Mr. Townsend

(Nursery Door Sign) "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed." - Mr. Townsend

Students: "What are you looking for?" Mr. Townsend (gazing out the window): " I'm looking for the Lord to return, because the Bible says He will come in an hour ye think not...and you're not thinking!" - Mr. Townsend (after asking questions and getting blank looks from his students.)

"They who carried the last class out, will carry thee out also. Good luck on the test" - written on the white board by Celeste Franklin before a test in "Acts" class

"A guy came to America and noticed all these people out jogging and exercising. He went back to his doctor in England and told him about it. The doctor said in response, 'That just makes you look better in the casket!" - Al Franklin (while talking about 1 Timothy 4:8 during Bible Conference)

"Women don't say what they mean, but they mean what they say!" - Mr. Townsend


Stephen Clement said...

"There is no purpose in living, if there is no point in dying" that was any I said that in a sermon. well least I know you listen to the sermon

Stephen Clement said...

"There is no purpose in living, if there is no point in dying" that was me. I said that in a sermon. well at least I know that you were listen to the sermon.