Monday, August 29, 2011

So Much to do and Such little Time....

Yes, dear blogging friends...I am alive. Life has been very busy right now between the times spent catching up with my family as different siblings and their spouses/children/girlfriends/boyfriends travel here for visits, dating my best friend Mike, reconnecting with old friends ad staying in touch with some of the new ones, harvesting the garden, working a job, etc. etc. etc. I'm looking forward to long winter nights where I should have plenty of time for writing, thinking, and studying.

However, let's hope it doesn't take me until Winter arrives to get back to you all! Sometime soon I'll write out some thoughts and get some pictures up from school, the summer, and a bit of my life since being back home, but for now I'll just say that I wish I had more hours in a day (either that, or that I didn't have to waste time in sleep!) =)

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