- Talking for hours with my sisters --- and having my brothers try to sneak into our room or listen outside our door. (The one time when we went to leave the room, we opened the door and found three boys with their ears up against it. They grinned sheepishly and said "Hey!...We were just...walking by...." lol...
- The sound of Winnie-the Pooh videos in this house again.
- Finding Cara having the time of her life splashing the water in the toilet.
- Turning the lights off in our kitchen in order to let Cara see the star light on the little chia tree and to suddenly hear the family break out with "O Beautiful star of Bethlehem" way off tune and ending it in laughter at the memory of the time we heard it elsewhere. Only my family gets the humor behind the story and it's never quite the same when we try to tell it to others.
- Joking about how next year we'll have Christmas at Davids house (or at Jon and Renee's, which is quite tiny) and hearing Luke pipe up that we could have Christmas in Connecticut with him next year. When questioned about where we'd all stay, he said "The boat. There's plenty of bunk space."
- Sitting around with the family, opening presents and taking the time to look at pretty much each and every individuals gifts as they are unwrapped. Gift opening at our house takes a LONG time!
- Playing a game and hearing comments from a Peanut Gallery of four non-players.
- Enjoying meals together and simply being together/sitting around the table afterwards.
- The Christmas morning brunch that we girls have made into a tradition.
- Singing and playing around the piano with siblings.
- Caroling to the Curtises and being happy that we had enough of us together again to be a "choir".
You know, when I look over this list I realize that the things that stand out to me are not necessarily big and amazing in a way that we'd normally think of. They are just small, little memories... but to me they ARE big and amazing. These memories are a part of my life and it's those little moments of time that become special to me when I realize that they are irreplaceable. I wouldn't trade them for anything.
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