Saturday, March 12, 2011

"I have loved thee with an everlasting love..."

Jer. 31:3

"The love of God has transparent purity. Concerning this aspect of the love of God no human words avail. There is no selfishness in divine love; God has never sought the benefits for Himself. He receives nothing; He bestows everything. Peter exhorts believers to love with a pure heart fervently (1 Pet. 1:22); but how very few love God for what He is in Himself apart from all His benefits! How different it is with God's love! Judging by ourselves, we are sure He needs our money, our service, or our influence. He needs nothing from us, but He needs us, and only because His infinite love cannot be satisfied apart from us. The title "Beloved" when addressed to believers is most expressive; for, in their relation to God, their highest function is to be loved." - Chafer/Walvoord

(I came across that quote in doing reading for Doctrine class today and wanted to remember it, so put it into a blog post.


Yes... that is my single thought in response to it.)

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