Well, the time has come for me to introduce you to some of the people who had a part in my life over a 10 month span of time in South Dakota, Nebraska etc. I'm afraid I shouldn't do this for fear that I will leave someone out, but just know that each person I met is dear to me (even the people I met on choir tour who I can no longer remember the names of but can still see their faces are dear to me) and each person played a role in my life, whether big or small. If you happen to be one of those dear people, to you I say "Thank-you" and "I miss you".
The Freshmen Class
Freshmen Again... (On one of our outings...)
The Townsends (Wedding Counselors! j/k. Pastor and his wife who I stayed with each weekend. Generous, Faithful, loving couple who gave of their home, food, time etc. Very thankful for the chats and insight they gave to me in the time I had with them.)
The Baxters (A couple who both serve at school. Mr. Baxter - teacher of several classes, photographer. Mrs. Baxter - Teacher, Secretary, and Maker of Much Laughter. =)
Mr. and Mrs. Friesen ("Mama and Papa" to us when they went on choir tour with all their "kids". Mr. Friesen - Seasoned Pastor, Faithful servant, President of the school. Mrs. Friesen - Dean of Women, checker of dorms, contagious laugher. =)
Marsha (Fabulous Cook, Friend and "Keeper of Dorm Students" on Friday nights when we needed a movie and snacks to unwind. =)
Mr. Shively (Aka: Uncle Phil. An enthusiastic teacher of many classes, a busy father who always found time for both his kids and his students, and the one who helped me understand more about God's grace. Also a missionary to Papua New Guinea for 11 years. In this picture he is pretending to be a native. ;) Also, not seen in this picture...his wife Charlotte was a blessing. She is the school accountant and her servants heart and sweet smile always made me think "Someday, that's the kind of woman I want to be."
Claudia Stepanek (Prayer Warrior, Faithful Friend, Encourager, Laugh Instigator and personal Massage Therapist. =) SO thankful for this girl! And yes....this is probably the only time in history that her hair has looked this straight. What did that take? Like two hours to straighten? =)
Bethany Franklin (My Roomie, friend, late night chatting companion, amazing piano player, blonde moment accomplice, prayer partner, etc. We never had the major roommate stress you can hear college students having and for that I am thankful! Generally speaking, she made my life easy!)
Abby Stepanek (Sarcasm reliever, encourager and friend. Sorry Abby, but I couldn't resist. This pic makes me laugh every time. Love ya...nerd! =)
Rachel Stanley (Listener, Diligent, Close Friend, Praying Comrade, and Accountability Reader for class ;)
Marsha (Fabulous Cook, Friend and "Keeper of Dorm Students" on Friday nights when we needed a movie and snacks to unwind. =)
Mr. Shively (Aka: Uncle Phil. An enthusiastic teacher of many classes, a busy father who always found time for both his kids and his students, and the one who helped me understand more about God's grace. Also a missionary to Papua New Guinea for 11 years. In this picture he is pretending to be a native. ;) Also, not seen in this picture...his wife Charlotte was a blessing. She is the school accountant and her servants heart and sweet smile always made me think "Someday, that's the kind of woman I want to be."
Miss Haynie (Teacher who kept class moving and interesting, fierce scrabble player and also a lady who opened up her home for prayer meeting on wed. each week.)
Claudia Stepanek (Prayer Warrior, Faithful Friend, Encourager, Laugh Instigator and personal Massage Therapist. =) SO thankful for this girl! And yes....this is probably the only time in history that her hair has looked this straight. What did that take? Like two hours to straighten? =)
Bethany Franklin (My Roomie, friend, late night chatting companion, amazing piano player, blonde moment accomplice, prayer partner, etc. We never had the major roommate stress you can hear college students having and for that I am thankful! Generally speaking, she made my life easy!)
Abby Stepanek (Sarcasm reliever, encourager and friend. Sorry Abby, but I couldn't resist. This pic makes me laugh every time. Love ya...nerd! =)
Rachel Stanley (Listener, Diligent, Close Friend, Praying Comrade, and Accountability Reader for class ;)
Mr. and Mrs. Jones (A couple who own a ranch, took me on a cattle drive and had some of us over for supper several times.)
Pleasant Point Crew from CBI (The group I went down to the church in Nebraska with each weekend to serve with the teens, etc.)
There are others that I would tell you about (More Pleasant Point Church People, Black Hills Church People, Skype teacher, etc.) but for lack of pictures this post has come to an end. Coming soon from my time in SD, NE, etc.,.."So Many Escapades."
Thanks! Love it! :D Miss you and love you muchly!!
It's nice to be able to look at these pictures and match a personality with the faces. And yes, Abby, you would probably kick me for that! lol
For those of you in SD who read this blog post, thanks for helping make that trip possible. I hope to see a lot of you this spring =)
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