Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Weekend in Williamsburg

July is a busy month with lots of family coming and going. For the weekend and week after the 4th of July, my oldest brother Jerry, his wife Johanna and their two precious boys came up for a visit. We went to Williamsburg for a few days and enjoyed the walking, sightseeing and just being able to spend time with everyone. It had been over a year since the last time I saw those little munchkins so I def. made up for the loss of hugs and kisses.

Ethan (2 1/2 yrs.)
Josiah (1 1/2 yrs.)
Rocks and pebbles never lose their fascination...
Rachel and I, waiting for the fife and drums at the beginning of the day
Playing songs for each of the 13 States
Cannon shots after each salute
Ethan and Grandpa walking the streets
A beautiful time of the year
For some reason I really like this picture....(Maybe because it makes me feel good to know that there are others who have trouble seeing over top of things. =)
Baby feet. I love how Josiah has two toes on one side of the flip-flop.
We sat and listened to this guy for a while. He had this weird serpent instrument and also played the bagpipes for us. The little boys love music!

Ethan loves his Aunt Chrystal

At first glance it would appear to be a normal dog. Yet something makes you look again and the second glance is what tells you the difference.

We went to hear a speech by Lafayette and he did an excellent job.
...And what's the 4th of July without fireworks? Sunday night was extremely enjoyable. Hanging out on the blankets with my family, watching fireworks, playing with the nephews, walking in the cool air (up and down the streets afterwards trying to find our way back to the visitors center), and talking with my sister-in-law....that's what I call a vacation. ;)

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